WIC Chopped Event

WIC Chopped event

Sunday, March 24, 12:30 PM

Open to everyone! We are calling all of our family (in case you are wondering, that means YOU) to come join us at our first WIC Church Chopped event. In the past we have done this with the youth, but decided to open it up to everyone for some extra fun. If you have never experienced “Chopped” on the Food Network, this is a fun time of making creative food from random ingredients picked by the judges. 
This is open to kids, families, singles, all ages - but all kids under youth group age must have at least one parent there to supervise them. We will mix up all the other teams so people can get to know each other better!
Don’t worry - we will keep this fun and safe! 
See Heather or John Wallace if you have questions. 
Use the QR code to sign up, or what’s app John or Heather. 
Simple lunch provided

Perspectives Class

Washington International Church is hosting a class called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. This 15-week course will be held every Tuesday from 6:30-9:15 PM, beginning January 9.

The class explores various aspects of God's global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. It is a study program rooted in scripture which clarifies each believer's opportunity to co-labor with God in His global purpose. We highly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity.

Please contact Laurel for more information.

Family Small Group

WIC Family Small Group 
Every other Friday at 6:00 PM
This new group is intended for families with young children. Parents have fellowship and study the Bible, while the children (babies and kids) are attended, play and build friendships!! The group meets in person every other week on Friday 6pm.
If interested, please email church office or Ruth Chia (wicfamilygroup@gmail.com) to get more information.

Men's Breakfast

Weekly Saturday Men's Breakfast

When:     9:00-11:00 AM*
Who:       All interested men.  Inquire to be included.
(You may join the WICPlainTalk WhatsApp group)
Why:       For Prayer, Fellowship, and Sharpening Iron
Bring:     Breakfast items as the Holy Spirit leads you**

Email Questions: 
Paul Yau pyau@eastwestmx.com or
Xavier Tomsej xtomsej86@aol.com

*      Any  Exceptions  or Additional Details will be sent via WhatsApp by the Wednesday prior.
**   Coordinate with Paul or Xavier so that we can avoid having 3 dozen donuts without coffee!

Growing Disciples Class


We are going through  the study of 1 Thessalonians.

Time:   Sunday, 9-10:10am

Place:  Lower Level-next to the kitchen


·         Life in Thessalonica—the good &
          the bad!

·         Encouragement in the face of trials

·         A Life that pleases God…How?

·         How Jesus’ return in the future 
          impacts our lives in the present

(Note that the class will be in-person only.)

Please join us! We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information, please contact Christopher Brown: dwntwndc@msn.com

Youth Group

We invite our youth to join us upstairs in our new youth room every Sunday for a great time of fun, fellowship, and studying God's Word. Our youth group is open to any student in middle and high school. We meet each Sunday immediately following the morning service from 12:15-1:45 PM. Lunch will be provided.

Most weeks, the youth group plays games and has a lesson. We also do fun days and service projects some Sundays. If the church has lunch after the service, then the youth will simply join that instead of meeting separately. Occasionally, we also have fun events outside of church on the weekends.

We would love for your student to join us! See our Events page for more details on individual events, and email Heather Wallace at hwallace@internationalchurch.org for more information.